Susan Thomas
Since August 2023, Ms. Susan Thomas has served as the Executive Director, Cargo and Conveyance Security (CCS), in the Office of Field Operations in Washington, DC. This Executive Directorate oversees Cargo Innovation; Cargo Security and Controls; Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT); Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures; Manifest and Conveyance Security; and Trade Operations. Through these divisions, CCS is responsible for operational strategy, requirements, policies, and processes related to cargo enforcement, cargo release requirements, conveyance security, bonded warehouses, foreign trade zones, centralized examination stations, seized property, fines and penalties, manifest and Trade Act requirements in all modes, Importer Security Filing (10+2), and Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS). CTPAT is a voluntary government-business initiative to build
cooperative relationships that strengthen and improve overall international supply chain and U.S. border security. Additionally, CCS is responsible for supporting the operational advancement of the protection of revenue and the ability to detect, deter and disrupt illicit activities. Ms. Thomas is responsible for continuing the modernization of the trade organization model of the Centers of Excellence and Expertise (Centers), to include staffing levels and augmenting internal and external stakeholders.
Ms. Thomas is previously served as the Acting Deputy Director, Field Operations at the Los Angeles Field Office. In this capacity, Ms. Thomas oversaw a workforce of over 2,000 employees and all CBP operations in the greater Los Angeles area and Las Vegas, to include the Los Angeles International (LAX), Harry Reid International, John Wayne International, and Ontario International airports, the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach and Hueneme, and the Electronics Center of Excellence and Expertise. Prior to this, Ms. Thomas was the Acting Port Director at the Los Angeles/Long Beach Seaport. In this position, she oversaw all facets of port operations to include processing cargo and conveyances, cruise ship operations, targeting and intelligence gathering in trade/cargo/agriculture operations, and the oversight of the terminals, centralized examination stations, brokers, containerized freight stations, bonded warehouses, and foreign trade zones. The port personnel work closely with the local trade community, which includes custom house brokers, vessel operators, terminal operators, freight forwarders and importers/exporters operating in the Port of Los
Angeles/Long Beach and Port Hueneme.
Ms. Thomas’ also served as the Assistant Director, Trade Enforcement at the National Targeting Center (NTC) Cargo Division. Ms. Thomas provided direction to the Tactical Trade Targeting Unit, the Integrated Trade Targeting Network, the Illicit Cultural Property Unit, and the Cargo Analysis Targeting Unit. These units conduct tactical targeting of trade violations, provide analytic support to internal and external stakeholders, and oversee the risk-based targeting systems that identify high-risk cargo while facilitating legitimate trade.
Ms. Thomas served as the Acting Assistant Port Director, Cargo Operations at JFK International Airport. She oversaw trade operations, cargo enforcement, agriculture operations, canine, the trade intelligence and enforcement response team, the International
Mail Facility, air cargo and express consignment facilities, containerized freight stations, bonded warehouses, and foreign trade zones. The cargo operations teams communicated policy and operational issues with over two thousand licensed custom house brokers operating in the New York area.
Ms. Thomas previously served as the Acting Director of the NTC Cargo Division. Ms. Thomas oversaw all system development, policy and procedures related to targeting cargo shipments for terrorism, narcotics, outbound, trade enforcement and other illicit activities. In the Cargo Division, advance transportation data, commercial data holdings, law enforcement, and intelligence information converge to facilitate targeting of shipments and travelers that pose the highest mission risks in all modes of transportation. Ms. Thomas has also served as the Director, Trade Operations Division in the CCS.
Ms. Thomas significantly progressed the Centers of Excellence and Expertise into operational entities, by permanently transitioning post-release trade functions and trade personnel. Ms. Thomas directed a team that established a permanent management structure and transitioned import and entry specialists. In addition, the Code of Federal Regulations were updated to provide Center Directors authority for trade processing and the legal
framework for account-based processing. Ms. Thomas evolved the trade mission by working with internal and external stakeholders to advance the Agency’s enforcement and facilitative efforts. Ms. Thomas developed guidance to ensure uniformity, consistency, and predictability in the trade environment.
In 2021, Ms. Thomas was the recipient of the Women in Federal Law Enforcement Employee of the Year Award. In 2019, Ms. Thomas was one of five individuals selected to represent the OFO as a core member of the CBP Task Force for Women. Ms. Thomas continues to strive to empower others who enter the field of Federal Law Enforcement.
In 1995, Ms. Thomas began her career with the U.S. Customs Service as an Import Specialist in the Port of Philadelphia. Ms. Thomas was born and raised in the Lehigh Valley area of Pennsylvania. She received her Bachelor of Arts from LaSalle University in Philadelphia with a degree in Mathematics. Upon graduation, she spent a few years in computer programming and helpdesk industries before joining U.S. Customs Service.