Mr. Ferrara served as the Executive Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Field Operations, the largest office within U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). In this role, Mr. Ferrara was responsible for more than 33,000 employees, including over 28,000 CBP Officers and Agriculture Specialists. Prior to serving as the Executive Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Field Operations, Mr. Ferrara served as the Executive Assistant Commissioner for Operations Support, where he provided leadership and direction across six subcomponents with a broad spectrum of capabilities to support CBP operations and enable mission execution. These subcomponents included: Office of Intelligence, Information and Incident Coordination Center, Laboratories and Scientific Services, Law Enforcement Safety and Compliance, Office of International Affairs, and the Planning, Analysis, and Requirements Evaluation Directorate. Mr. Ferrara also served as the Acting Attaché to the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). He provided subject matter expertise regarding counter-radicalization, countering violent extremism, foreign terrorist fighters, and aviation security. Prior to being appointed in 2014 to the Senior Executive Service, Mr. Ferrara served in many roles, both in the field and at the headquarter level. From the beginning of his career, Mr. Ferrara was an effective change agent in altering CBP workplace culture to be more inclusive, forward-leaning, and mission-focused. He created revolutionary programs, such as the office of Chief Medical Officer, the Office of Field Operations Mentor Program, and the Office of Employee Engagement & Organizational Culture.