Senior Vice President at Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce
Ms. Amato recently transitioned into her role as the Director, CTPAT. Previously, Ms. Amato was the Assistant Director, Field Operations for Trade where she had oversight over the complex and dynamic Trade and Agriculture operations for the entire state of Florida.
-Industrial Engineer – INTEC
– MBA in Business Administration: Marketing / Finance concentration
– Corporate Ontological Coach – EICONEX
– Executive Director at BASC Dominicana
– International BASC Certification Auditor
– Risk Manager ISO 31000
– Internal Auditor ISO 9001:2015, ISO 28000, ISO 37001
– Member of the Trade Facilitation Committee (CFC) AMCHAMDR
– Principal Member: WBO Technical Committee
– Member of the ANRD Maritime Security Committee
– Private Sector Representative, Risk Management Table – Ministry of Industry, Commerce and MSMEs (MICM) – Trade SAFE (TRASA) Project
John Edwin Mein is the Executive Coordinator of PROCOMEX – Aliança Pró Modernização Logística do Comércio Exterior, a business coalition focused on the modernization of customs processes in Brazil.
Director Marketing & Air Service Development - Miami-Dade Aviation Department
Miami International Airport (MIA)
Soraya Valdivieso has extensive professional experience, including 15 years of service to the Panamanian State
Mr. Collins has extensive operational-level Counter Terrorism, Counter Narcotics, Counter Insurgency, Counter Threat Finance, and Counter Transnational Organized Crime experience,